Portmoak Community Woodland Group Logo

Christmas:greener than green

Once again the idea of saving a bog by getting a Christmas tree proved popular and on Sunday December 15th more than 100 people came to Portmoak Moss to choose a spruce.

We don't want thirsty trees on the central part of the Moss because they dry out the peat and prevent sphagnum moss from growing.  In time, the sphagnum will rot down and turn into more peat, putting this rare habitat on a sustainable footing. 

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A big thank you to everyone who joined us.  The weather was good and there was plenty of home baking and mulled juice to keep peoples' spirits up as they agonised over which tree to take home. Children got free ones but we asked for donations for the bigger trees and were very to pleased raise over £1,000 - money which will go back into future events in the community woodlands, as well as to some of our equipment.

Top marks to the cyclist who strapped a big tree to his bike and pedalled it home. Greener than green!

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Top marks, also, to the volunteers who helped Portmoak Community Woodland Group cut down more than 60 trees on the Saturday, to make it easier for our visitors to see what was what. In the past we have asked everyone to walk into the bog to find a tree but conditions really are getting too wet and difficult. 

The Christmas tree event marked the end to another successful year which has seen new members join our group and new volunteers help to pull out birch and pine saplings;  a spring in which the whole of Portmoak Primary School built and installed nest boxes in Kilmagad Wood and an autumn when we had a lovely apple day, combined with a guided fungal walk. There have been too many events to mention them all and there are lots more to come. We look forward to seeing you in 2025!






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Portmoak Moss - Woodland Trust

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