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May Musings 2024


Hello B[L]OG Friends …..

By the end of the month I’d cleared a strip three to four meters wide, from a beyond Shep’s bench to the big steps on the east side of the dome. The willow was such a devil to get out that I’ve not included the species in the statistics. I will need to repeat the weeding exercise again, probably more than once this summer, as new seedlings sprout and the willow regeneration goes crazy. Oh, well, gives me an excuse to be out of doors.

Totals for clearing the north side of the path in April and May:

34 hours spent removing regeneration / total trees removed 1,834

Majority birch with only 49 spruce, 14 Scots pine and 37 rowan.

All the rowan was at the big steps end.

Favourite wildlife encounter: a pair of greylag geese sitting on the Moss.

Least comfortable moment: getting covered in Moss juice when pulling up a large birch in a deceptively wet spot.

Email me via the Contact Page with your comments, questions and thoughts.

Thank you.

Blogged by Lesley B.

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