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Christmas Tree Pruning: 23 April 2017

A dozen folk went down to the Moss to prepare Christmas trees for our December event. By taking care of split growth and giving them a bit of space and shaping at this time of year, everything is much easier in December.

Annual General Meeting: 18 April 2017

The office bearers were elected - well, re-elected. Jeff Gunnell is the Chair, Louise Batchelor is the Secretary and Lesley Botten is the Treasurer.

We're in good shape financially with enough funds to be able to keep putting on public events free of charge but also able to respond rapidly to opportunities, like buying more land or paying for projects, should a suitable opportunity crop up.

We looked back on what we've done in the last year and we're pleased with the balance between management activities and public events.

The constitution is here.

And if you want to see the minutes of the AGM, they are here.

PCWG in parliament and with the Climate Change Secretary: March 2017

An important event for bogs: the Peatland Action programme has been relaunched. Much of the funding for the projects that we have been doing to restore Portmoak Moss has come from Peatland Action via SNH.

PCWG were represented at Holyrood when the programme was introduced to MSPs and also at the Red Moss, near Edinburgh where the Climate Change Secretary saw just what bogs and mosses are like and why they are important. We were expecting a chap in a pinstripe suit, bowler hat and carrying a furled umberella, but it turned out to be Rosanna Cunningham.

IMPORTANT: Woodland Trust Managemnt plan for the Moss is available for public comment

Every five years the Woodland Trust make their Management Plan for the Moss. This is a big deal: it sets the baseline for what will happen in the future. The document is now available here for public comment and naturally the Portmoak Community Woodland Group will give it a careful review.

The deadline for comment is 5pm Saturday 8 April 2017 and anyone can comment to the Woodland Trust. If you, prefer, send your comments to PCWG at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll incorporate them with ours.

It's a big document, 42 pages, with a lot of detail and there are two big items:

  1. The long term intention is that ground conditions over the core area will be maintained as a raised bog habitat. Hurrah! This is a key goal for the PCWG and we've put a lot of energy into projects to restore the bog.
  2. The last large remaining area of Sitka spruce will be clear-felled (going in from Scotlandwell, this is the area on the left). This needs to done because the trees are near end of life, are becoming increasing unstable and there is a heightened risk of large scale windblow which causes a safety hazard and is expensive to deal with on a tree by tree basis. The clearfelled areas will be encouraged to develop into mixed native woodland. Existing areas of Scots pine will be retained for as long as possible to provide a suitable habitat and food source for the small colony of red squirrels on the site. Any gaps that occur will be allowed to regenerate naturally into mixed woodland. Natural regeneration will be supplemented by enrichment planting as required with native species.

We welcome your thoughts.

Community orchard pruning: 19 March 2017

Some of us put in few hours on the orchard doing some springtime maintenance - pruning and maintaining our fruit trees. They are looking pretty good and we're hoping for an even bogger crop later this year.

Moth survey: 10 March 2017

We're really lucky to have George Guthrie carry out regular surveys of the moths and butteflies on the Moss. George did his first mothing of this season on Friday 10th Mar night. It turned out to be a very good night for ‘mothing’ with a minimum temperature of 8 degC , no wind and dull. He found 21 moths of 9 species. They were: 7 Yellow Horned, 3 March Moth, 3 Chestnut, 2 Satellite, 2 Mottled Umber, 1 Pale Brindled Beauty, 1 Common Quaker, 1 Hebrew Character, 1 Pine Beauty. George also saw a Common Newt, not in the trap but crawling around on the sheet.

Burns Supper: 21 January 2017

The official press write up from the Community Newsletter is here.

The legendary one, as always with the haggis on the receiving end of stern words from Bill Carr. It was fetched in by Chloe Vlasto and Kirsty Buchanan gave it the Selkirk grace. Tich Frier immortalised the memory, the Portmoak Players played, as did Mike and Craig Lithgow, there were poems, especially "The Louse" from Fi Cooper, the lasses were praised to the heavens by Simon Kay, as were were the laddies by Jessica Kay and this year's competition to produce a new bit of Burns was won by something written and sung in Swedish by Bengt Tegner. No idea what it was about. As if that wasn't enough, under the guise of Mosses, Waters, Slaps and Stiles, Mr Batchelor informed the populace of all the good work done on their behalf by t' committee.

Christmas tree day: 11 December 2016

Once again around 80 families came got their Christmas trees from the Moss. Although our events are free, many people made generous donations and all of that money will go back into developing our community woodlands and purtting on events.

Guided bird walk: 5 November by Scott Paterson

Comments on the event included: "Very good!" "Great!" "Brilliant!"
So popular it was extended from 1 to 2 events. Attended by 19 + 12 people.
Sightings included: crossbill, gold crest, jay, red wing, field fair. Lot’s of interesting information, even on things as common as pigeons.

Apple day: 2 October 2016

Lots of fun including pressing to make apple juice; identifying types of apple; eating apple cakes, tarts, pies; all based on people scrumping their neighbours' apples. Teas and baking were provided by a team from Kinross School who are funding raising for a volunteering trip to Africa.

Visit by Japanese researchers: September 2016

We hosted the visit of a team of Japenese reseachers who are travelling through Europe looking looking at community involvement in running and managing woodland projects.

Reprofiling project: September 2016

A major piece of work, funded by LLLP and Portmoak Community Woodland Group is under way on the Moss. Read more details here.

Basically we have been so successful in raising the water table that now we have to safeguard against the danger of bog burst. To do that we are reprofiling the steep peat banks at the edges of the Moss and putting in some peat dams on the surface to limit run off through the old drainage channels. The work will take about a month to complete and there shouldn't be too much disruption to walking round the paths. This could become a Best Practice for the restoration of raised peat bogs.

Moss identification day: 22 May

We talk a lot about the Moss, but what mosses are actually there? Debbie Spray of SNH led a session on how to identify the various types. We're especially keen on sphagnums because they are a bog builder and a good indication of the health of a bog.

There are potentially 7 kinds of sphagnum which could be expected on our Moss and with Debbie's help we were able to find and locate all of them. There are also two types of cotton grass beginning to colonise big areas. All good news. Portmoak Moss continues to respond well to our restoration activities.

LLLP Roadshow: 22 Jun 2016

The Living Lomonds Landscape Partnership have been very supportive of us, providing funds for the development of our report on management options as well as enough money to make a start on actually doing some of the work. The LLLP is coming to a conclusion and they had a roadshow at which various participants in their projects explained what had been done. We attended and gave an update about the work on Portmoak Moss.

Basket weaving: 19 Jun 2016

Basket weaving is a good, old fashioned, country craft. And locally we've got a lot of good, old fashioned, basket cases so we had Jan Hendry come in to show us how it's done. Baskets, trugs and something that looked a bit a misshapened butterfly, but might have been a beer mat were all produced.

SNH Discovery day: 16 Jun 2016

We took part in the annul event at Kirkgate Park along with The Woodland Trust who shared a stand with us. They were promoting their latest woodland schemes while Lesley and Michael were looking at the history and furture of the raised bog at Scotlandwell.

And the Oscar goes to...

Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) are producing a series of films on peatland restoration techniques. They needed to get some footage of contractors clearing and treating scrub on a lowland bog and thought that Portmoak Moss would be an ideal location so on 24 March a film crew were on site to get their shots. It meant that another troublesome area of birch regen got cleared.

Work session in the Moss: 24 April

Christmas is coming! So we went to our Christmas tree area in the Moss and did some work to prepare for December. Making space around good looking trees, dealing with splits and shaping them so they'll look good.

Annual General Meeting: 19 April 2016

At our AGM the office bearers were elected - well, re-elected actually since everyone seemed pleased with the way that things are going. Jeff Gunnell is the Chair, Louise Batchelor is the Secretary and Lesley Botten is the Treasurer.

We're in good shape financially with enough funds to be able to keep putting on public events free of charge but also able to respond rapidly to opportunities, like buying more land or paying for projects, should a suitable opportunity crop up.

We looked back on what we've done in the last year and we're pleased with the balance between management activities and public events.

Finally, we tuned up the constitution a little bit. You can see the new one here.

And if you want to see the minutes of the AGM, they are here.

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Portmoak Moss - Woodland Trust

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