Recent News
Burns Ceilidh: 2 February 2019
Instead of our usual Burns Supper we had a Burns Ceilidh featuring one of Scotland's best ceilidh bands and certainly the best named - Ceilidh Minogue. It was a traditional village ceilidh with dancing, singing and poems. Dr Bill Carr performed his famous Address to (and massacre of) the Haggis, with secret weapons. Survivers thought this was a great night.
Christmas Tree day: 16 December 2018
This has become a real annual highlight and plenty of people once again got their tree from us, usually making a donation. Everything we raise goes into our continuing efforts to restore the raised peat bog, improve our community orchard and put on fun and informative free events about the plants, bugs and history of our woodlands.
Roseanna Cunningham, Cabinet Secretary for the Environment visit: 28 November 2018
We were very pleased to host this visit. Roseanna's department is responsible for funding the Peatland Action programme, which has paid for much of the restoration work on the Moss.
It was a good opportunity to show her the tremendous progress which has been made and to impress on her the importance of continued long term funding. She couldn't commit for the next 6000 years (the timescale for growth of raised peat bogs), but she said that she hoped to keep it going for the next few years.
Apple Day: 30 September 2018
We've been doing this for a few years now so it's one of our core activities. (Heh, heh, heh). About 150 people brought apples for identification. Masses of apples were turned into juice and plenty of apple-themed desserts were consumed.
National Bog Day: 22 July 2018, Portmoak Moss
You were probably excited about National Bog Day - it's right up there with Christmas and Pancake Day. We celebrated it at Portmoak Moss. A couple of dozen people were guided around the Moss, spotting dragonflies and damselflies.
Moths and butterflies had been trapped the night before, identified and then we released them. We also did some dipping (ponds, not other people's pockets). Interesting and fun event!
Himalayan Balsam: June 2018
This is an invasive species which spreads very rapidly and we are seeing signs of it encroaching on the Moss. Rapid intervention is required - if it spreads its seeds then it can quickly overrun a large area. We went down and removed it and we expect this to be an ongoing effort for the next few years.
MP visit: 30 May 2018
Our local MP, Luke Graham asked to visit us to hear about the wotk we are doing on Portmoak Moss. We toured our site and explained about the environmental importance of bogs in general and Portmoak in particular.
Teacher education: May 2018
One of our team, Marje Smith, has developed an educational page called 'Let's Talk Bogs'. She trained a large group of teachers on how to use it and it is expected to become part of the curriculum. Visits by classes are already being scheduled.
Portmoak Primary School in the orchard: May 2018
Children from the local primary school spent a morning in the orchard clearing weeds around our fruit trees and surveying butterflies and insects. They also had a brainstorming session to generate ideas for how to use the new amphitheatre area that is being created by Chris's Project. A nature trail, dog shows, a labyrinth, and a garden festival were among the great ideas they had. All very timely too as we we soon be doing the required reprofiling work.
Bog Squad popping and pulling: 29 April 2018
This year we're trying to find a better way than using chemicals to control birch regeneration. This was our second popping and pulling day. The idea is to drag the birch out by the roots, give it a good talking too, then encourage it to break down to become peat. The Bog Squad are the real professionals at this and they spent a day with us. We now have a large area cleared of birch regen and we'll be able to compare the effectiveness of doing it this way against using weedkiller.
Annual General Meeting: 17 April 2018
The office bearers were re-elected. Jeff Gunnell is the Chair, Louise Batchelor is the Secretary and Lesley Botten is the Treasurer.
We're in good shape financially with enough funds to be able to keep putting on public events free of charge but also able to respond rapidly to opportunities, like buying more land or paying for projects, should a suitable opportunity crop up.
We looked back on what we've done in the last year and we're pleased with the balance between management activities and public events.
The constitution is here.
And if you want to see the minutes of the AGM, they are here.
Popping and Pulling: 26 March 2018
It’s time for a commentator’s curse: spring has definitely arrived! Which means that outside birds are returning, moths and butterflies are appearing and everything is starting to grow again. All good news, especially at Portmoak Moss. Except the bit about everything starting to grow.
Most of it we like, but we’re not keen on birch saplings sprouting on the raised bog. They suck water out and prevent sphagnum moss from growing. If we didn’t do anything about it, in a few years the whole of the Moss would be covered with birch scrub. We’d lose our open views and even worse, we’d lose the unique raised bog eco-system which we’ve been patiently restoring for almost 20 years.
Time for action. For quite a while birch regen has been controlled using chemicals - weedkillers - which is an easy way to do it, but needs doing every year. We’d like to find a more sustainable method so we’re experimenting with birch popping and pulling. Pulling is easy to understand. The smallest saplings can be yanked out by hand, but bigger ones have bigger roots and that’s where the poppers come in. They have jaws to grip the trunk and a long lever to pop the tree out, roots and all. We bought 2 poppers last winter and we’ve been experimenting with them. Then in March a team from the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) joined us to put in a concentrated day of popping and pulling. SEPA employees are allowed to spend a workday taking part as volunteers on a suitable scheme. Popping and pulling on the Moss was a great opportunity to get out of the office for a day and get on with some practical work in the environment. It turned out to be good fun too and we cleared an area of about 150 square metres.
Burns Supper: 27 January 2018
Once again, the haggis had a hard time of it. It made a dash for the door but Dr Carr was merciless with his broad sword. The immortal memory was by Professor Robert Crawford of St Andrews University, who dealt with Burns as a sex pest. As always, many locals made pests of themselves by singing, reciting, playing, writing haikus and downing prodigious amounts of whisky. A good time had by all. Except the haggis. The Newsletter report is here.
Christmas Tree Day: 17 December 2017
Quite a local tradition now - loads of people came and got their Christmas Trees from the Moss.
Access Road Repair: 15 Oct 2017
You might have noticed that the track into the Moss from Scotlandwell was full of holes. Well, we looked into them (!) and decided that something had to be done.
The owners of the road (a big utility company, no names but you could always protest by stopping drinking any water) have always resisted doing any repairs so we decided that we'd just go ahead and fix the track ourselves. The Portmoak Festival donated funds for materials - a big heap of Type 1 - and a gang of us went down and got the job done.
Apple Day: 1 Oct 2017
We’ve been doing this for a few years now and this was another enjoyable event, despite the rain. In fact, maybe because of the rain - we moved indoors to the Village Hall and about 60 people came to get their apples turned into juice. Or their neighbour's. (Note the punctuation. Apostrophe 's'. It's their apples that got turned into juice, not the actual neighbours).
The Portmoak Time Machine: 23 July 2017
Our favorite Time Lord brought his tardis to Portmoak Moss as part of the "Our Portmoak" series of events. Andrew McBride of SNH took a peat core of about 6 metres depth - that is to say he went back in time by about 6000 years. Facinating.
We could clearly see changes in climate (wet periods, dry periods) and in vegetation types through the history of the Moss. There was even a well preserved, bright blue insect carapice from about 5500 years ago. More than 20 people attended and much enjoyed the event. Espeically small boys who were able to smear each other with some really, really old mud.
Dragonflies: 23 July 2017
23 to 23 July was a UK-wide dragonfly event. They were duly spotted on the Moss.
British Trust for Ornithology: 27 May 2017
Gail the bird ringer(their legs, not their necks) set up three nets in the field opposite the village hall. Didn't use feeders or tape lures (latter forbidden in the breeding season), so relied on birds moving through the area.
Nets were set up among small trees so that birds flying between them would be trapped. In total caught 11 birds, all unringed: blue tit (3), great tit (3), bullfinch, chiffchaff, robin, willow warbler (2). Saw or heard great spotted woodpeckers, green woodpecker, garden warbler, blackcap, white throat, buzzard, sparrowhawk, garden warbler, wren, thrush, blackbird, chaffinch, redpoll.
Dawn Chorus: 6 May 2017
A 04:00 start for a dawn chorus event, led by Scott Paterson. It was International Dawn Chorus Day so crazy people all around the world were making their blearly eyed way outdoors. We didn't see many birds but heard plenty and as always, Scott was a mine of information. Great event attended by about a dozen of our local crazies.