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Women whittling

As part of the Portmoak Festival, in the first half of June, we organised a womens’ only practical activity, “Women Whittling in the Wood”, run by former Countryside Ranger, Kiri Stone.  This involved working with birch wood to create mushroom- shaped key rings, while sitting under the shade of the Portmoak Orchard trees.   Kiri does these events to encourage women to take part in a new and different practical activity.

In this case there was a real mixture of young and old and most had never done anything of this type.  She received many compliments, such as from Tina, “Loved your workshop, would love to try more” and Andrea,“So much fun and relaxing with a group of women.” It was very successful, with 19 women over the two days. 

Kiri organises other courses on this theme throughout Fife and Perth and Kinross and you can find her at Woodswoman on Facebook or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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