The Great Birch Pull of September 2022
The Great Birch Pull of September 2022
The Great Birch Pull of 2022 took place at the end of September with the assistance of Lothians Conservation Volunteers and the Bog Squad (Butterfly Conservation) along with the Group and some members of the community. It was a lovely dry day and 3000m2 were cleared in the centre of the raised dome area. This is about 4% of the total area of the main part of the bog. In total we have now cleared in excess of 30% of area. Clearing the top of the moss allows for bog plants to grow and reduces the water loss due to the uptake by the trees. Raised bogs are one of the most rare habitats on earth and Scotland is one of the few places where they still exist. Previous work has resulted in the nesting of Meadow Pipits in the middle of the dome area and this has also attracted Cuckoos to the site for the first time. It is essential we clear the main dome area and then maintain its open nature. The next Birch Pull event will be in January 2023 for another nature organisation.