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Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree

Come and join the fun of finding yourself a tree in Portmoak Moss from 11.30am-2.30pm on Sunday, Dec 10th. We're making it easier again this year by cutting some the day before, to save you the trouble of plowtering about on what is now a very wet site, thanks to all the bog restoration that's been going on.

There will also be the chance to go a wee wander and see what else you can find. We'll cut the tree down but don't forget that you have to take it away, by foot or by car. We usually manage to find a few mini conifers, if children want their own to decorate. 

Portmoak Community Woodland Group are looking forward to helping you get the right tree and enjoying the festive fayre, including hot spiced drinks and warm apple crumble. If you also want to help us, please feel free to do a stint on the catering table or bring some home-baking.

We invite donations for the trees and baking but there are no fixed prices. Just what you can afford and in cash, please, as we’re not (quite) yet digital in the wood. 

We hope you go away with a nice, warm feeling - not only from enjoying the event but by doing your bit for bog restoration. By taking a sitka spruce off the Moss you're helping us create the right habitat for the rare and colourful sphagnum moss. Trees take a lot of water and quickly dry out the peat, so we try not to give them a chance.

Two final reminders to help you enjoy the day - wear shoes or boots suitable for wet and sometimes icy conditions and, if possible, bring you own beaker for the hot drinks. 

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