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September Summary 2023

05 Sep 2023

Hello B[L]OG Friends …

WOW! That month whizzed by like a hunting swift. You might be interested in some statistics from my solo tree-pulling for the month. Or maybe not!

For me, keeping these numbers is a way of staying motivated in the face of such a ginormous task.

Email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your comments, questions and thoughts. Thank you.

903 trees removed of which -

530 were Birch trees (59%)

349 were Norway Spruce (39%)

Other species were Scots Pine, Sitka and Rowan.

I spent 28.5 hours on the Moss on 21 different days.

Favourite wildlife encounter: 4 snipe and a Fox Moth caterpillar.

Least comfortable moments: red ants up my sleeve spraying formic acid.

Blogged by Lesley B.

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