Portmoak Community Woodland Group Logo

October Overview 2023

28th October 2023

Hello B[L]OG Friends …..

October was holidays for me so I spent little time taking trees off the Moss this month.

Monday 30th was a special day as we were joined for the second time this autumn by staff from SEPA (Scottish Environmental Protection Agency). We were out on the Moss from 10am to 3pm and I completely lost count of trees pulled, so I have left them out of the statistics below, which are for my solo days only:

601 total trees removed

204 Birch trees (34%)

390 Norway Spruce (66%)

And just 7 Scots Pine

I spent 7 hours on the Moss on 8 different days.

Favourite wildlife encounter: skeins of Greylag Geese flying overhead chattering away anxiously.

Least comfortable moments: it rained on me quite a lot … !

Email me via the Contact Page with your comments, questions and thoughts.

Thank you.

Blogged by Lesley B.

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