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January Jottings 2024

for blog

Hello B[L]OG Friends …..

Quite a Weather Month was January! A week of below zero and then TWO storms, Isha and Jocelyn.  All conspired to stop me hitting the 5,000 trees-removed target.

January Data:-

898 total trees removed

217 Birch trees (24%)

660 Spruce (73%)

And 18 Scots Pine and 3 Rowan.

I’ve spent just under 14 hours removing trees from the Moss on 10 different days.

Favourite wildlife encounter:  a small group of deer bouncing away from me.  They looked like they had springs for legs.

Least comfortable moments:  I lost my trusty sword, aka my root saw.  I crawled over the area but couldn’t find it.  A week later I had another look.  As soon as I stopped actively searching, there it was.

Email me via the Contact Page with your comments, questions and thoughts.

Thank you.

Blogged by Lesley B.

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